Kybella - fat killer

Without surgery, without surgery, the second chin can be removed for years.


The active ingredient in KYBELLA is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, KYBELLA destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.

Using for performed areas:

  • Abdomen,

  • stomach,

  • thighs,

  • under chin or upper neck,

  • flanks,

  • under the armpit,

  • back,

  • buttocks, under booty.

Is Kybella Permanent?

Generally, Kybella treatments should be permanent. Kybella destroys the fat cells that make up your double chin, so you will have long-term results.

However, gaining weight can cause your double chin to return. So, it’s important to stick to a healthy lifestyleand diet after getting Kybella injections.

Kybella was approved in the United States in 2015, meaning it's still a relatively new treatment. Long-term, follow-up studies will reveal more about its permanence.

Is Kybella Safe?

Not everyone who's bothered by their double chin should get Kybella.

Kybella is meant for adults, so if you're younger than 18, you'll have to wait until you’re an adult to get it.

If you have conditions such as difficulty swallowing, bleeding problems, weak facial muscles, and infections under your chin, it may not be the best idea to get a Kybella injection. 

If you have a lot of sagging skin, Kybella may not be a good choice. This is because Kybella is meant for people who have excess submental fat. If you have a double chin due to excess skin on your chin, you won’t get the results you want with Kybella. You may want to look into tightening devices or surgery to increase skin tightness instead.

In any case, clarify any questions or concerns you have with your surgeon. In addition to telling your surgeon about your medical history, you should also inform them if you’ve had prior aesthetic or surgical treatment in the area you’re getting a Kybella injection, as well as any scar tissue that may impact results.

Kybella can typically be used with other treatments, but talk to a cosmetic surgeon to make sure.

Getting Kybella

To get Kybella, you need to have a consultation with our specialist before getting the actual procedure. This ensures you are a good candidate for the injection and also gives the cosmetic surgeon a better idea of what you want to accomplish with Kybella.

After establishing your treatment goals, your cosmetic surgeon will explain how the treatment works and how your goals will be met. You and your cosmetic surgeon will be able to estimate what the results will be like.

The Kybella injection is brief and minimally invasive:

  1. After that, they will mark and prepare the injection area.

  2. Kybella will then be injected. This will take around 15 to 20 minutes. You will feel minimal discomfort.

Effect - face

Effect - body

Why choose the treatment in MES clinic?

The procedure will be performed in one of the most recognizable Cosmetology and Aesthetic Medicine salons in Reykjavik, MES clinic.
  • We have original, newest and most advanced devices available on the market
  • Each year, MES Clinic performs over several thousand treatments
  • Our staff is a team of professionals with extensive experience
  • We focus on a professional and pleasant atmosphere
  • We have modern, aesthetic and beautiful salons where every moment is a wonderful experience!



Perfectio X - rejuvenation and treatment