Who we are?

MES clinic  is not a regular day spa or wellness skin clinic in Reykjavik; it is a med-clinic boasting a unique collection of innovative skin and body treatments hand-picked from around the world delivered to you in the heart of Reyjavik .

Using state of the art technology, facial assessment techniques and taking the time to really listen to your concerns and goals beforehand, we discuss your options and formulate a treatment plan.

Our Team

  • Izabela

    Student of Nursing

    Visionary person, her thinking is always opposite to the standards.

    Everyday, she discovers new possibilities how to raise the clinic to a higher level of services.

    A passionate beauty industry from which she comes from, an esthete counts every centimeter to millimeter helps our specialists in determining their work so that the results are the best and as soon as possible visible.

    She believes in science and proven techniques based on experience participates in training with the bests and it is not important to her that they can take place even at the end of the world.

    She cares about the quality of each service and knows each one perfectly, she remember EVERY each of her clients and trust as it was huge amount of them already in her experience.

    Sometimes she devotes her head to prove the truth, she still believes that the world can be better than it is and customer service can be better than it is now.

    When you come to our clinic, you will feel her soul in each of the services, because for her the goods of the clients comes first, as well as the great feeling of every person who visits the clinic.

    Lover of lip modeling, gaining new techniques, more and more experience in her field, which many of you have already experienced.

    We think that Izabela will surprise you and herself more than once in the future.

    After all, it is the soul of a real undiscovered artist.

  • Kamila

    Biotechnology and Master of Cosmetologist.

    Our senior skincare clinician. Her role as a mes clinic includes being a cosmetology technician.

    She has 16 years of experience in aesthetic field, worked in highly successful skin clinics across Gdansk. Mainly caring of patients from Scandinavia as well who comes to the Clinic to help faces look much better.

    Kamila is passionate about creating customized treatment plans tailored to suit the unique goals of each of her patients.

    She listens attentively and educates her patients on the most effective method to achieve their cosmetic enhancements. It proudly provides the highest quality of customer service.

Our Office Team

  • Agnes

    Reception manager

    Agnes is a person with an aesthetic feeling combined with helping others, that's why she recently joined to our team.

    Agnes has extensive experience in the beauty industry.

    As a manager of one of Sephora salons, she felt a passion for the beauty industry that continues to this day. 🕊

    Every day, she deepens the knowledge about new products and treatments.

    She also knows all treatments (their purpose, course, operation, contraindications) and the offer of the office by heart, which is why, if necessary, he can advise clients on appropriate solutions tailored to their needs. ❤️‍🩹

    Aesthetic medicine is undoubtedly a very modern and dynamically developing field. There are still new products on the market that are difficult to follow for many people.

    This is why at Mes Clinic we focus on passions and help our patients in the selection of both treatments and care.

  • Michael

    Clinic manager

    Michael, our boss .. The huge "generalist" always two steps ahead of everyone and everything that happens.

    A strict mind, he advise our clinic to the heights level. As a manager, he exceeds these positions by a thousand percent. He comes out with a helpful hand to each client as well as to a person from our team. He does not employ employees because he cooperates with each of them and knows how to squeeze the strongest points from each where others do not see the potential, he will see it, help specialists discover themselves, why? because the second person is always in the first place for him.

    We believe that Michał will develop his huge sales wings not only in the field of beauty but also in other industries of equal interest to him.