V carbon mask


Blackheads and pimples do not always mean ongoing acne. Skin imperfections can happen even with healthy skin, and they are not unusual. 

They cause most often:

  • Inadequate skin care 

  • Inadequate diet 

  • A tendency towards enlarged pores 

Cleansing the skin with the old methods of treatments is not the best idea . After years of experience we know about that.The methods of cleansing the skin with steam and forceful blackhead pressing can do more harm than good. Such methods of cleansing the skin cause even greater expansion of pores, damage blood vessels, scar formation, spreading inflammation on the other areas of the face.

In our clinic, we often start other treatments with preliminary skin cleansing. Getting rid of blackheads is essential before implementing more advanced treatments. We chose the methods used in modern cosmetology to cleanse the skin quickly and safely.

One of them is V-Carbon peeling

This unique non-invasive treatment uses activated charcoal for an exfoliating and purifying effect that enhances facial lifting by penetrating deep into the pores. It’s the ideal system for tightening dilated pores and removing dead cells from the superficial epidermal layer for an overall new look. V-Carbon is a modular system made up of 2 products (V-Carbon Film and V-Carbon Spray) that allows to make medium or deep peeling treatments depending on the patient’s needs.


The most innovative system on the market for:

  • Lightening age spots and dark spots

  • Fading freckles

  • Reducing wrinkles and fine lines

  • Shrinking pores

  • Removing blackheads and acne

  • Lifting and tightening the skin

  • Improving skin elasticity

  • Hydrating deeply

  • Brightening radiant complexion

Are you struggling with skin imperfections such as enlarged pores, blackheads, lack of radiance? Make an appointment for a skin cleansing treatment with our specialist. 


Perfectio X - rejuvenation and treatment

